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Every couple years, I dedicate myself to a year creating Daily Doodles; each series inspired by a different purpose. The first series explored the blank page and markers, followed by a commentary on sourcing information, then a set of spirit messages. This year, it’s about celebrating my fans + collectors who want to sponsor a day (or even more)! Commissioned days grant the patron choice of subject matter and the original artwork (all rights, reproduction and otherwise, remain with the artist). Days are open 3 months at a time, new quarters open about a month in advance. Email subscribers will be notified of the exact time and date the new quarter will be released.

This year all Daily Doodles will be on 4x6" mixed media paper and the painting itself will likely be between 3x3" and 4x6". 

All artwork to mailed within 10 business days of completion (contact for express shipping options).

Join the Daily Doodles update list for updates, early access to new days, available pieces + more!

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